Change or Update your Name or Contact Details
It is important to keep your contact details up-to-date so you will receive your rates statements in a timely period.
Change of Address
You can update/change your address and contact details using the Change of Address form found below and returning to PO Box 21, Oatlands, TAS 7120
Alternatively, you can change your address details for Southern Midlands Council services by:
sending us an email
visiting our Customer Service Centre in person
Change of Name
Changing names on a property title
When property ownership changes, the name on the property title may also need to change. To change a name on a title you will need to complete an free of charge application with the Land Titles Office.
Application forms can be completed online, downloaded or printed from the Land Information System Tasmania (LIST)
You will need to select "Tasmanian Online Land Dealings" and then "Land Title Dealings" and click on the drop down arrow on the right to access the relevant form.
If you require assistance or more information, phone Council on 6254 5000.
Changing Ownership Details
The current property owner is responsible for the rates debt. When properties are bought or sold the rates need to be adjusted to reflect the new ownership. Apportionment is usually undertaken by the Solicitors/Lawyers and paid on settlement of the property.
Council alters its property ownership records after receiving official notification from the Lands Titles Office.
Council can't accept change of ownership details from the new owner.