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The Southern Midlands Council has seven elected councillors.
Mayor Edwin Batt

Mayor Edwin Batt
Phone: 03 6259 1166
Mobile: 0400 009 471
Edwin’s family have lived and worked in the Southern Midlands area for nearly 200 years. His grandfather was instrumental in building our state’s first hydro scheme and his father Charles was a Councillor here for many years and served for 19 years in the Tasmanian Parliament. The family sheep farm is “Woodlands” at Melton Mowbray, which Edwin now runs.
Edwin practised as a Barrister on the mainland and then as a Magistrate for 23 years before returning to work as a wool classer and farmer on his property, with his wife Martine and his young son Dominic. He is vitally concerned to create a positive environment for the development of agriculture in the district and to maintain and preserve its heritage and history so as to make the Southern Midlands a great place to live and bring up children. He serves as a volunteer on the Jericho Fire Brigade and a number of community committees.
Edwin’s interests are horse racing, football, cricket, the arts, and Tasmania’s history.
Current Committee Positions
- Southern Midlands Facilities & Recreation Committee (incl. Disability Access)
- Southern Midlands Emergency Management Planning Committee
- Australia Day Awards Committee
- Enterprise Bargaining / Award Consultative Committee
- Campania Recreation Ground Management Committee
- Tunnack Recreation Ground Management Committee (Proxy)
- Arts Advisory Committee
- Southern Midlands Memorial Trees Committee
- Heritage and Bullock Festival Committee
- Heritage Hub Management Committee
- Melton Mowbray Park Advisory Group
Deputy Mayor Karen Dudgeon

Deputy Mayor Karen Dudgeon
Phone: 03 6255 5227
Mobile: 0428 361 807
Current Committee Positions
- Southern Midlands Facilities & Recreation Committee (incl. Disability Access)
- Australia Day Awards Committee (Proxy)
- Enterprise Bargaining / Award Consultative Committee (Proxy)
- Lake Dulverton & Callington Park Management Committee (Proxy)
- Oatlands Community Shed Committee (Proxy)
- Woodsdale Hall Management Committee
- Parattah Progress Association (formerly Parattah Recreation Ground Management Committee) (Proxy)
- Mt Pleasant Recreation Ground Management Committee
- Heritage Highway Committee
Councillor Anthony Bisdee OAM

Councillor Tony Bisdee OAM
Phone: 03 6259 1128
Fax: 03 6259 1418
Mobile: 0418 355 158
Councillor Tony Bisdee OAM was first elected to the former Green Ponds Council in 1972 and has been a Councillor and Mayor continuously over the past 40 years in both the former Green Ponds Council and the amalgamated Council of Southern Midlands. Councillor Bisdee was the inaugural Mayor of Southern Midlands in 1993 and then elected Mayor by popular vote in October 2005 and remained Mayor until October 2018.
Councillor Bisdee over the past 40 years has held many positions in Local Government including:
- State President of the Local Government Association of Tasmanian (LGAT) 1998–2000.
- National Vice President of the Australia Local Government Association (ALGA) 1998–2000.
- Vice Chair of the Southern Tasmanian Councils Association (STCA) 2001–2018.
- Presented with Centenary Medal by Federal Government in 2000 for service to Local Government.
- Presented with Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 2009 for service to Local Government and to the Community of the Southern Midlands.
Current Committee Positions
- Audit Panel
- Campania Recreation Ground Management Committee (Proxy)
- Mangalore Recreation Ground Management Committee (Proxy)
- Southern Midlands Memorial Trees Committee (Proxy)
- Melton Mowbray Park Advisory Group (Proxy)
Councillor Donna Blackwell

Councillor Donna Blackwell
Mobile: 0408 146 754
Current Committee Positions
- Southern Midlands Facilities & Recreation Committee (incl. Disability Access) (Proxy
- Audit Panel (Proxy)
- Chauncy Vale Management Committee
- Campania Halls Management Committee (Proxy)
- Mangalore Recreation Ground Management Committee
- Arts Advisory Committee (Proxy)
- Heritage Highway Committee (Proxy)
Councillor Donald Fish

Councillor Donald Fish
Phone: 03 6255 5157
Fax: 03 6255 5257
Born at Oatlands and have lived all my life in the Southern Midlands. I have worked as a farm hand, shearer, potato grower, earthmoving, and logging contractor, now a farmer with some native forest which is managed for timber. This is my third term for the Southern Midlands Council.
I am Chairperson of the Lake Dulverton and Callington Park Management Committee, also on hall and recreational and others. I am strongly opposed to excessive and unnecessary State and Federal Government controls on private land.
Current Committee Positions
- Southern Midlands Facilities & Recreation Committee (incl. Disability Access)
- Lake Dulverton & Callington Park Management Committee
- Oatlands Community Shed Committee
- Colebrook Memorial Hall Management Committee (Proxy)
- Oatlands Community Hall Management Committee
- Parattah Railway Restoration Management Committee (Proxy)
- Parattah Progress Association (formerly Parattah Recreation Ground Management Committee)
- Mt Pleasant Recreation Ground Management Committee (Proxy)
- Heritage and Bullock Festival Committee (Proxy)
Councillor Robert Campbell

Councillor Robert Campbell February 2024
Phone: 03 6255 5293
- Chauncy Vale Management Committee (Proxy)
- Oatlands Community Hall Management Committee (Proxy)
- Parattah Railway Restoration Management Committee
- Tunnack Recreation Ground Management Committee
Councillor Fraser Miller

Councillor Fraser Miller
Mobile: 0497 611 777
Current Committee Positions
- Audit Panel
- Campania Halls Management Committee
- Colebrook Memorial Hall Management Committee
- Woodsdale Hall Management Committee (Proxy)
Elected Members Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct sets out the standards of behaviour expected of the councillors of the Southern Midlands Council, with respect to all aspects of their role. As leaders in the community, councillors acknowledge the importance of high standards of behaviour in maintaining good governance. Good governance supports each councillor’s primary goal of acting in the best interests of the community.
View or download the Elected Members Code of Conduct
Local Government Councillor Code of Conduct Complaint Form
The lodgement fee for Code Conduct complaint for the 2024/2025 financial year is $93.50 and must be paid upon lodgement of the complaint.
For further information on Making a Councillor Code of Conduct Complaint Click Here and you will be redirected to Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Mayor and Councillor Enquiries
Mayor and Councillor enquiries can be directed to the Executive Assistant – Jemma Thomas 03 62545000
Council Elections
Each Councillor is elected for a four year term. Elections are held every four years. The next election is scheduled for October 2026.
For further information on elections please Click Here