Community Notice Board


News - Field at sunset.


THAT under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Fire Service Act 1979, the Southern Midlands Council has made the following rates and charges upon rateable land within the municipal area of Southern Midlands (“the municipal area”):
1. General Rates
Pursuant to section 90 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) Council makes a general rate of 6.0196 cents in each dollar of Assessed Annual Value for all rateable land within the municipal area shown on the valuation list prepared under the Valuation of Land Act 2001 (“the valuation list”), subject to a minimum amount of $370.00.
2. Waste Management Charge
Under section 94 (1) of the Act Council makes a separate services charge in respect of the service of waste management called the Waste Management Charge upon all rateable land, which is capable of use for residential purposes, and Council declares that the charge is to be calculated in accordance with the following formulae:
      a) for rateable land upon which a dwelling or dwellings are constructed: Waste Management Charge = $300 x D, where D is the number of dwellings on the rateable land, capable of being occupied
      b) for rateable land upon which no dwelling is constructed: Waste Management Charge = $100.00
3. Garbage Removal Charge
      a) Under section 94 (1) of the Act Council makes a separate services charge of $248.00 in respect of the service of waste management called the Garbage Removal Charge upon all rateable land
      b) Under section 94 (3A) of the Act the Council declares that the Garbage Removal Charge is varied according to the level of service provided as follows:
           i) for the land identified by Property Identification Number 3124789 the charge is $5,208.00
          ii) for land to which the Council does not provide a fortnightly garbage removal service and kerbside recycling service, the charge is zero
4. Fire Service Contributions
For the Council’s contribution to the State Fire Commission:
      a) for land within the Oatlands & Kempton Volunteer Brigade Rating District an amount of 0.303363 cents in the dollar on the assessed annual value of all rateable land subject to a minimum amount of $49.00
      b) for all other land in the municipal area an amount of 0.277687 cents in the dollar on the assessed annual value of the land subject to a minimum amount of $49.00
5. Instalments
These rates and charges are for the year commencing 1st July, 2024 and ending 30th June 2025 and are payable by 4 equal instalments, the first payable 30 days after the issue of the rates notices, the second by 4.30 p.m. on 29th November 2024, the third by 4.30 p.m. on 31st January 2025 and the fourth by 4.30 p.m. on 31st March 2025.  
Where a ratepayer elects to enter into an arrangement to pay the current rates and charges by monthly, fortnightly, or weekly instalments via one of the electronic payment options (including direct debit), then the instalment amounts will be calculated to settle the debt by 30th June 2025. Penalty and interest will not be applied on any of the 2024-25 rates and charges at the relevant date, provided that the instalment arrangements are adhered to. In the event of default, penalty and interest is to be calculated on the outstanding amounts.
6. Late Payments
      a) Penalty: A penalty of 5% applies to any rate or charge that is not paid on or before the date it falls due
      b) Interest: In addition to the penalty, interest under section 128 of the Local Government Act 1993 will be charged at the rate of 6.8% per annum
7. Discount
A discount of 2.0% will apply to all rates and charges paid in full within 30 days after the date of issue. This discount is not applicable to rates and charges which are paid in instalments. The payment due date will appear on the rates notice

Posted Thursday, 18 July 2024, 3.00pm

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