Child and Youth Safety and Wellbing

Southern Midlands Council is committed to create and maintain a child and youth safe organisation to prioritise, promote and protect the safety and wellbeing and prevent abuse and harm of the children and young people.

Southern Midlands Council is committed to create and maintain a child and youth safe organisation to prioritise, promote and protect the safety and wellbeing and prevent abuse and harm of the children and young people.

If a child or youth is at immediate risk, call 000 or contact Strong Families, Safe Kids Advice & Referral Line on 1800 000 123.

Report concerns or complaints

Any parent, carer or member of our community who has observed behaviour by a Southern Midlands Council worker that causes concern should report it to us via the report link below or contact Council on 62 545 000.

This includes reports of physical violence, sexual misconduct, sexual offences, grooming or other reportable conduct  (Reportable Conduct Scheme | CARCRU ( committed against, or in the presence of children and young people.

All children and young people have the right to be safe and to feel safe.  If you are a child or young person who doesn’t feel safe, talk to an adult you trust, like a parent, carer, teacher or a friend’s mum or dad.  This could be about the way our workers have behaved or if you’re unhappy with the way you’re being treated.   You can make a complaint on your own or ask someone to support you to do it.

Click here to view Councils Policy

 Click here to download the manual form to report concerns and complaints.

Click here to electronically report concerns and complaints.

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