Bagdad Mangalore Structure Plan Project

Southern Midland Council is developing a long-term plan for the Bagdad-Mangalore valley, to replace the 2010 Bagdad-Mangalore Structure Plan. 

The plan will be informed by extensive community and stakeholder engagement, and set a 30-year vision to meet changing community needs in areas such as housing, roads and paths, open space, community infrastructure, township amenity, and agricultural land. 

The plan may recommend changes to zoning, or identify future infrastructure upgrades, to be delivered over time.  The new Structure Plan is expected to be completed in late 2025.

Southern Midland Council is developing a long-term plan for the Bagdad-Mangalore valley, to replace the 2010 Bagdad-Mangalore Structure Plan. 

The plan will be informed by extensive community and stakeholder engagement, and set a 30-year vision to meet changing community needs in areas such as housing, roads and paths, open space, community infrastructure, township amenity, and agricultural land. 

The plan may recommend changes to zoning, or identify future infrastructure upgrades, to be delivered over time.  The new Structure Plan is expected to be completed in late 2025.

Early community engagement has recently been undertaken, and we are starting the next stage of the project in the form of Co-Design workshops.


“Help shape your community for housing, agriculture, environment, transport and infrastructure”

The Co Design workshops will be undertaken over a two-day period which will involve a series of focus group sessions, stakeholder workshops and open public sessions to make sure everyone is being heard.

The aim is to work together to inform a new vision, guiding principles + structure plan for Bagdad-Mangalore. Future consultation will involve an exhibition of the document in the next stage in mid-2025.

 Bagdad Mangalore Structure Plan Drop In Sessions

During the above days, there will be a Stakeholder Workshop, an Infrastructure Focus Group, and a Village Centre Design & Placemaking Focus Group. Your community input will be gathered during the Community Drop-in Session, and the outcomes will be shared and discussed at the Final Presentation. Opportunities for further discussion and feedback will be available at both these times.

We encourage all residents, business owners and community groups to get involved and have their say. Our community shapes our future.

Please consider coming to the Community Drop-in Session and/or the Final Presentation, at the above times, at the Bagdad Community Club.

Bagdad-Mangalore Structure Plan C0-Design Flyer

If you have any questions, please email Damian Mackey at or call on 0499 782 584.

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